Thursday, March 25, 2010

Game Time!

Ok so Game time! Just try to guess who's foot is whose. Your choices are:

A: David Alexander Nielsen
B: Angela Lynn Richsen (Combo of the last names)
C: Megan the freakin hot stud :)

Dont guess wrong


  1. THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!! I don't know!! This is tricky... okay, since the top two look similar I would guess that is genetics, so #1 is Angela, #2 is Megan, and #3 is David. Please, don't hate me!!

  2. I think number one is Ang, number two is Dave, and number three is Meg. Funny stuff! lol

  3. yeah ali you are right! Jess you just gotta look for my weirdo baby toe :) the stub! haha
