So I decided Angela was over working herself so i decided to give her a girls night so she could just relax for once. I went over with my Body Shop foot care kit and started the process. Half way through Dave joined us. He is so fun :) But we had alot of fun! Im lucky to live so close to my sister.
So today i had an incredible day! I woke up to find out that the doctors did not have to rebreak maxs nose but just going to allow it to heal. so good start. I went fourwheeling with max which i wasnt real good at. Especially when there was snow cause i would panic and stop so he would have to convince me for the next five minutes that i would not fall off or tip over. Which he was right. I never did :) (Whew!) We then proceeded to make pizzas, get in a flour fight, and then eat the pizza. It had like 3 layers of meat. Gross :) But then tonight we went mudding with our friends in a tiny car which lisa and i were jammed in the back of. Off-roading with lots of bumbs and mud puddles turned out to be so so fun! And then a movie under the stars. It really was just so incredible. im very lucky to have such good friends
So today Max had a basketball game in which a guy got mad at him and head-butted him in the face. Max now has a broken nose and received a concussion. So my job tonight was to keep him awake so he didnt fall asleep and die. Poor Max :( Look at his crooked nose!! haha
So i just thought i would share some pictures of my amazing roommates. These two are Lisa and Rachel. Lisa (Brown Hair) is the one i actually share a room with and i absolutely love her. We are so much alike its incredible! We have so much fun together :) And rachel (the blonde) is one of the nicest people in the world. She is one i can always talk to :) i have been really lucky to have such good room mates.
Well for all of you who want to know i am living at Carriage House. Yes the sign says Marriage house. No i am not getting married :) But i love school so much. Cooking cleaning and fending to myself has been a great experience. I have learned so much and made so many new friends. I am so grateful for a school where we can feel the spirit all the time. Its wonderful up here.
So i was sitting in math class looking at my sisters really cute blogs and my neighbors were looking too. They asked the question why i did not have one either. So i decided its about time i get one to start competing with my amazing creative sisters :) so here i go! wish me luck!!