Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup Celebration

This Ana on the left and Sarah my roommate on the right
This is Parrin! she lives two apartments down
These two are the sisters! Deborah and Tressa

So my crazy roommates and a apartment down a few all decided it was time we had a party for the World cup. Well seeing as my roommate sarah is from Liberia she decided it needed to be for Africa since that is where it is held. So we all dressed up, learned one of Africa's dances and performed! It was so much fun and we were all really crazy but it was totally worth it. If you dont watch all the movie at least watch the last half! Thats where it starts to get good :)

Is that not the coolest video ever :)

1 comment:

  1. Kylee keeps saying, "I want to go dance with Megan!" I think you better teach her your fun dance! That is so cool that you all got to have a little party, and some culture. You are a bunch of fun girls. Your roomie looks adorable!
