Monday, May 3, 2010

My new baby!

So yes my friends. I officially have a brand new baby! And my goodness he is truly so adorable! My little fish Goby has officially been in the house hold for 2 hours and i have enjoyed every minute of it :) No but he is seriously the funniest little guy. I am so excited! Mine is obviously the little black one. My roommates also bought one. Lisa bought the little gold one and named in Sparkle. And deborah named hers Devri Pope. And the snail is in there somewhere. Its name is Sunshine! So yes. Just another crazy fun experience in the college life of Megan!


  1. Meg, I know this may sound weird, but Jayden sat there and watched all the fish in your movie! He never took his eyes away. Ha Ha He is probably wondering what those new creatures are. I'm glad you all got a fish. Being a mom can be fun, but warning: it is a lot of work!!

  2. how exciting! but i got to be honest with you megan, your fish is pretty much the coolest and the ugliest fish out of all of them. lol
