Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stressful week

So i have been really stressed this week with finals. Five essays, and five tests are really weighing down on me. And to top it off i found out i did not have the housing provided that i had planned on. So after many tears and prayers i started looking. And i can happily announce that my roommate Lisa, also my very best friend, and i found a place together! We were really lucky! After we sucked up to the manager we got the one apartment in the whole building that has been updated and redone. A new dishwasher and fridge, lifted beds with dressers underneath, and my own desk! and i still get to room with my best friend. I cant tell you how grateful i am to my father in heaven. He does so much for me and blesses me so much! I am so excited to keep going on in my schooling.


  1. Good luck with everything. Just stay focused and get as much rest as you can when you can. I know you will do great!

  2. I love you princess! I am sorry it has taken me so long to read this. I hope you have been reading your scriptures this week. It makes a big difference on your test taking! Call me when you are done and we'll talk. When you are finally done with that last test, you feel this HUGE burden taken off your shoulders, almost literally! It is amazing! Good luck!!!!!
