Saturday, April 24, 2010

weird bruise

Ok i got this big old bruise on my leg the other day and it has seriously been awful! it is a big bump with lots of colors and it kills! Anytime anyone touches it i want to cry! But it really does look really cool! haha! But the upper two are from the third day where its not quite so black and blue and the others are from the first day! Crazy!

Mission call

well max finally got his mission call! He is going to Wisconsin where he will be speaking hmong! He is so excited and i am so excited for him! He has been such a great friend to me and i will forever be grateful to him :)


Well the end of the semester came and i unfortunately had to move out to a new apartment! Which meant goodbye to my roomies! Except Lisa who i will again be rooming with next semester! But i just wanted to post some pictures of them cause for three months they were really good friends to me! Hopefully my new ones will be just as awesome!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stressful week

So i have been really stressed this week with finals. Five essays, and five tests are really weighing down on me. And to top it off i found out i did not have the housing provided that i had planned on. So after many tears and prayers i started looking. And i can happily announce that my roommate Lisa, also my very best friend, and i found a place together! We were really lucky! After we sucked up to the manager we got the one apartment in the whole building that has been updated and redone. A new dishwasher and fridge, lifted beds with dressers underneath, and my own desk! and i still get to room with my best friend. I cant tell you how grateful i am to my father in heaven. He does so much for me and blesses me so much! I am so excited to keep going on in my schooling.